
From Madhava-kanta das – Hungary

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.
I have been awaiting this moment for a long time, to write to you on your birthday, as this is the most important day for me each year so I can express my love towards you. As the Vyasa-puja offering is valuable/precious as meeting in person, because this also makes me feel the connection with you through writing to you. I am also waiting for the time when you come to Hungary again. I really like it when I can be with you in your presence, but going back to the past. I like to reminisce about the time that was even before I was born, all thanks to the diaries that you gave to me, which encapsulate your devotional feelings and also your thoughts and travels into a memoir that anyone can read thanks to your easy-to-understand writing style. I thank you for allowing me to be a part of this, and anyone that has met you or seen you anywhere is certainly blessed by Krishna to receive the gift of the Holy Name. I
hope I can spend many more years being in this world with you present, and I would like to thank you very much for sending me these diaries! They were a wonderful reading for me because I felt like traveling with you on your journeys, and I got to know about you more, and you got closer to my heart with every book, and I will remain your follower forever.
I personally liked the parts where you wrote about the Polish Tour and how you managed to overcome the hardships that were put in front of you, which shows that Krishna helps their best and most divine disciples when they need to be helped. Also because of these books and your online classes, a young generation will get to experience the wonders of your stories. I also hope that sometime there will be a book of all of your online classes just like your diary. After you’ve accomplished all of these wonderful things that have served ISKCON so well, I am sure Srila Prabhupada is very proud of you and regards you as his most beloved disciple and you pass his mercy onto us.
Even though this present age, and the future keeps degrading, politically, morally, and financially, people still see it as improvement, and keep producing advancements in robotics, nanotechnology, machine learning, space research and A.I, and while this is definitely scary, they keep getting further and further from the Absolute Truth. They still think the scientists who work on pointless things involving computers and the brain being linked and making them communicate, while the only one they should be communicating with is Krishna. Making big discoveries and accepting this is their absolute truth, not realizing that it is Krishna who is the eternal truth, and it is He who contains all of Krishna consciousness.
Because of the depravities of the people, thanks to Srila Prabhupada and his exceptional and wonderful disciples like you, ISKCON can be likened to an oasis in a desert of hell that is going to become the future if humanity keeps on this track of engaging in sinful activities. I think that your books and teachings, that you keep on giving to us constantly for many and many years, will be the ones to free the souls that read or hear you speak, and thus they get liberated. This can even continue for hundreds of years after you have left this earth for Goloka Vrindavana, people can hear you and get liberated. While I hear about these so-called technical advancements, I am ever so grateful to get real knowledge from you, which I will not forget during my studies to come. You mean the world to me, and I will follow you, even if not in person, to wherever you go, and I will make sure that this bond that we have stays eternal for even more than one life. I hope you know that I love you very much, and you are very important to me.

Your eternal servant,
Madhava-kanta das