
from Radha Katha devi dasi – Hungary

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your lotus feet.

Srila Sivarama Maharaja’s Vyasa-puja class touched my heart. He talked beautifully about how rare devotees were and how exceptional it was to meet our spiritual master.

I do think about this topic often. This universe is so huge. There are so many different planets on which there are so many various life forms. Logically, there is quite a slim chance for a soul to meet an extraordinary pure devotee in a particular place at a specific time. One truly needs to do something exceptional and valuable to attain the good fortune of meeting their Spiritual master, their ever-well-wisher, who guides them back to Goloka Dhama.

And here they were in one place: All these lucky souls. As I looked around I saw hundreds of exceptional devotees sitting with big smiles. They had met their spiritual master, and now they were celebrating him. What a special moment!

“Yes, you are special. Do not waste this opportunity!” said Maharaja with care and much love in his voice.

I thought about you, Srila Gurudeva. You often say that the only thing we probably have never tried in our previous lifetimes, is to give this one life exclusively to Krishna. I love when you say that. It makes so much sense!

Well, I do not know what I may have done in my past lives so that I got to meet you and Sivarama Maharaja at an early age in this lifetime, but one thing I know with certainty: I do not want to waste this opportunity. You have been inspiring, caring, and leading me on this exciting journey for more than 30 years now. You have taught many secrets about Krishna’s love and the intricacies of His devotional service.

I owe you my life for sharing this invaluable treasure with me!

„I am by nature the eternal servant of Krishna. But because of my bad fortune, I have been inimical toward Him from time immemorial, and thus I have identified myself with my body and continuously wandered in the cycle of birth and death in the material world, suffering the burning threefold miseries. Now, as a result of some unimaginable good fortune, my spiritual master’s mercy has enabled me to know that I am Krishna’s eternal servant, an infinitesimal spiritual being completely apart from the gross and subtle body. And so by the order of my spiritual master, I have obtained the good fortune of serving his lotus feet and, following in his footsteps, the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Śyāmasundara”

And here we are in one place: All these lucky souls. As I look around, I see hundreds of exceptional devotees sitting with big smiles. We have found our Spiritual master, and now we are celebrating You. What a special moment!

Thank you, Srila Gurudeva, that you tirelessly inspire all of us!
May you always be victorious in all your endeavors! May your innermost desires come true!
Happy, happy appearance day!

Your servant, with much love,
Radha Katha dd
May 08. 2023.