
from Revatī Devī Dāsī – Hungary

Dear Indradyumna Mahārāja,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

What you did for me, you do for everyone. You trusted me, took me seriously, and treated me with love. That is all it takes to win someone’s heart. Yet how hard it is, as if you alone can do it. As an expression of my endless gratitude, I would like to offer you a bouquet of wonderful flowers which I collected in Vṛndāvana forest while reading the most blooming fifth act of Rūpa Gosvāmī’s Vidagdha-mādhava.
In this act Kṛṣṇa is waiting for Rādhā under a punnāga tree which would bloom only by the embrace of Rādhā’s creeper arms. When finally Rādhā arrives, Kṛṣṇa cannot believe his eyes that the real Rādhā is in front of her, as he was expecting Subala in disguise. He identifies Rādhā as one who cannot take off his raṅgana garland. This garland represents Kṛṣṇa’s love and embrace. Rādhā is still angry but Kṛṣṇa wipes away her tears with his lotus hand. When they are ready to merge into pastimes, Vṛndā makes the forest bloom with many flowers: mādhavī, malli jasmine, pāṭala, golden yūthi, rose, and lavaṅga. Among the flowers the red kiṁśukas are like crooked gopīs, the hibiscus clusters without scent are like gopas. Vṛndā picks some red lotuses which Kṛṣṇa give to Rādhā as ear decorations. And while a bee is drinking the honey of those lotuses, Madhumaṅgala chases away Madhusūdana, the bee, loudly expressing that he is gone. Rādhā thinks that Madhusūdana-Kṛṣṇa disappeared though he was right beside her. She is lamenting that he did not decorate her with vāsanti and campaka flowers, and in fear she sees that the aśoka flower is fire and the kiṁśuka is her competitor, Candrāvalī. Kṛṣṇa ensures her that he is there and compares the color of her lips to pomegranate flowers, her breasts to pomegranate fruits. Then he offers yellow karṇikāra flower for ear decoration and a bee is again ready to drink its nectar. Then they see many intoxicated bees among the jasmine flowers. At the end of the act Vṛndā compares Rādhā to a beautiful golden campaka flower.
I feel that even this huge bouquet of punnāga, raṅgaṇa, mādhavī, malli, pātala, yūthi, rose, lavaṅga, kiṁśuka, hibiscus, vāsanti, campaka, aśoka, karṇikāra, and various jasmine flowers is not enough to express my love and gratitude, and so I am trying to collect more and more for you, forever.

Your eternal follower,
Revatī Devī Dāsī