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From Kundalatika Dasi – Belarus, Vitebsk

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am glad to wish you a happy birthday! Your birthday is like a New Year eve to me. Thanks to the devotees for the amazing opportunity to personally congratulate you! Everything is possible by the mercy of the devotees!

By the mercy of the spiritual master, our eyes are opened and the darkness is scattered away by the rays of knowledge.

It is said that spiritual masters are asked only about spiritual development. But I am sure that the guru can reply all the questions. And the answers come mystically. And I am getting more and more confirmed in that over the years.

I want to tell you about the moments that happened in my life this year, when I really felt your concern and your help.

Firstly, I got an important advice from you. This year I was looking for a new
job. I am an economist, but my office was closing. And I was thinking what to do. I took up different courses, but wasn’t satisfied at all. And then I thought:
“I love cooking, so I’ll try to study that professionally.” But I really doubted whether my decision was right? I faced a lot of negative comments from my relatives and parents; how can a person with a higher education be a cook? It’s better to be an economist. I was very upset and I doubted a lot. And I received a reply from you at the right time. That day I was cooking a cake and listening to your class about Champakalata gopi. And I had problems with my cooking. I thought: “OK! I’ll remain an economist!” And at that moment you said: “Instead of presenting a doctoral thesis in economy, it is better to concentrate on cooking and to achieve perfection in this!” I was so surprised! How did you manage to know about my problems? And my cake was cooked perfectly. Now I am happy.

Your instruction has given me strength and enthusiasm. Now when I cook cakes I think only about you and Srila Prabhupada. I pray to Srimati Radharani and Champakalata to help me to cook the sweets that Krishna will enjoy. As it was in the story with Draupadi’s pot: “Krishna, please eat a tiny grain and feed the whole world.”

On one hand, my very small qualification and my efforts are one step. And on the other hand, your great blessings and advice are ten steps to a meeting with Krishna. It’s like the thoughts of Akrura when he entered Vrindavan. I’m like a warrior in the kitchen. I’m fighting with my inexperienced hands, but I don’t give up. And the result is that people are satisfied. Krishna is pleased. You are satisfied! Lots and lots of mercy! That is a spiritual solution to a material problem. Thank you very much! And please give me blessings to be successful in distributing prasadam.

Secondly, I hear your instructions through your friends and elder devotees. I have met the unique family of Sriman Prahlad Nrisimha prabhu. I know that he is your great friend. He is a famous astrologer on the Polish tour. I listened to his instructions and I watched a film about the life of Mataji Manorupa. This is an example of an ideal spiritual life of a grihastha. I see how senior Vaisnavas live with Krishna and how they are attached to the holy names. What wonderful children they bring up in love and in Krishna Consciousness! This is what you say about children; one shall bring them up by his own example and with a lot of love. Therefore, I ask the blessings from devotees to raise my children in Krishna Consciousness. I have an example of self-realized devotees аnd I hear your instructions from them. A perfect wife, a perfect mother, a perfect devotee is the example that shall be strived for. Thank you!

And one more moment! You fulfilled my desire for a spiritual family. With my godsisters and godbrothers we jointly perform a lot of service on the Internet. I am recording your classes with great pleasure. Now I’m like a small squirrel that helped to build a bridge to Lanka! In previous years I could not go to the Polish tour to serve you and to help the devotees, but I really wanted to. Now I
feel that I am needed. And my skills were also very useful. By your mercy I have
a blissful service to my spiritual family.

And I am very happy! Thank you for the family!

I wish you a long and healthy life! Srila Prabhupada and Krishna are very pleased with you! I can only hold on to your dhoti and try to practice what you are talking about. I have no other qualification. Hare Krishna!

Your servant, Kundalatika Dasi