
From bhakta Shaoshi Zhang – China, Shenzhen

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Srila Indradyumna Swami!

Thank you for accepting me as your disciple on December 31, 2018. Thank you for your causeless mercy. You instructed me to chant nicely, have good association with devotees and serve to the devotees and serve to the Lord.

I have got to know you through reading your preaching diary and the association with your disciples. I am deeply impressed by your teaching through your own example. Since then, I am determined to be your disciple.

I pray to Lord Nrsimha to protect you all the time, and continue to preach the Holy name to more conditional souls.

Srila Gurudeva, happy birthday! Stay in good health and preach smoothly!

Your humble servant,
bhakta Shaoshi Zhang