
from Shakatari das and Gopal Govinda Ram das – Russia, base in Pervouralsk

Hare Krishna Dear Srila Gurudeva.
Please accept our humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet.
We are very fortunate that you have blessed us to travel all over the world together and spread the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Prabhupada in the form of books and seminars on the Holy Name, etiquette and preaching in general. During this period of the carunavirus, the virus of mercy, we felt it ourselves, distributing books in the Urals and in the North, going from house to house in the villages, in winter from apartment to town, at harinama, bhakti-vriksha, festivals. By Your mercy and devotees, we have distributed about 50,000 books in 20 months. Some people immediately became devotees. My book on sankirtana has finally come out and you are very pleased with this book, because you have blessed, followed and follow our sankirtana. You said at the Sadhu-sanga festival that you would distribute books through your students and we are trying to satisfy your desire. It is difficult to convey what is the position of the Guru. Only by serving, humbly asking questions and worshiping him, one can embark on the spiritual path (BG 4.34). Your lectures during the pandemic save students, your words do not diverge from your deeds. Your name, form, qualities and activities are reminiscent of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya. Without your grace, we would not have been able to travel together for 8 years, visiting Iran, America and other countries. We want you to stay with us as long as possible, because a living example is better than all philosophies. We look forward to meeting you, just as we did in Vrindavan in December 2021, where we arrived by your grace at the invitation of a devotee from India, Sushil Prabhu, whom we met at the Gita Mela in 2019 in Mayapur. All glories to Srila Prabhupada who sent you to us.

Your students, Shakatari das and Gopal Govinda Ram das.
March 25, 2022

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