• 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Elena Koziy – Crimea, Yalta

    Hare Krishna! Accept my most humble obeisances, dear Guru Maharaja. Also my obeisances to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the whole parampara of great teachers. I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for the great mercy, that I received, to see You at the Sadhu Sanga Russian Festival 2019 and to understand that in my life’s journey I met a lost Guru. I was happy that You were found and I can bow my head to Your lotus feet. At the right time the pranama-mantra opened and there was hope eventually to become Your disciple. And the most important that I immediately gain…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Vara Sundari Dasi – Crimea, Simferopol

    Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami, Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. I express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada for letting me enjoy your association and service to you. Dear Guru Maharaja, your chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord is like a forest fire that filled the whole world; wherever you go, you shower your mercy upon everyone. Your lectures are the joy of our hearts. Even now you’re so merciful to preach online to let us have your association, as by the mercy of the spiritual master one can cross the ocean of material existence and obtain the mercy of Krishna. Let me…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Gopa Sundari Dasi – Crimea, Simferopol

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you, dear Gurudeva, for all the mercy you get from your dear master and distribute to us, your disciples. Your mercy is so great and so varied, that one cannot comprehend it at once, it is the same difficult as to see a huge picture at close range. I used to think that I was out of your favor. I am a wife and mother of two children. I have never been to the Polish tour, I have never been on a parikrama to the holy dhama…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Gaura Premanandi Karini Dasi – Crimea, Yalta

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please, accept my humble obeisances at the dust of Your lotus feet! All glories to You, my dear spiritual master, to Your service to Srila Prabhupada! This year when Caklesvara Prabhu told me that I had to read my offering, Ireplied: “Six times in a row I was in the lists, but each time during the ceremony, when it was my turn, there was a shortage of time.” Caklesvara Prabhu said that he would personally ensure that this time they would not run out of time and I will have opportunity. He always takes care of everyone! This demonstrates how, by the mercy of the Guru, we…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Rasamandali Priya Dasi – Colombia, Bogota

    oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayācakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ “I was born in the darkest ignorance and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer him my most humble and respectful obeisances to His lotus feet.” Dear Gurudev, Please accept my most humble obeisances, my heart bows to your divine lotus feet. Your Vyasa Puja Gurudev arrives, full of achievements, at this moment seeing your photograph, with such a clean and disinterested view, that comes and goes full of love, I try to see you always Gurudev, as a gift that Krishna gave to me lifetime.Four years have passed since the last time I was able…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Syama Rasa Das – Chile, Santiago

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to our Founder Аcarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada! The words are meaningless compared what the heart has to say, every year it’s a challenge to find the proper words to describe all Your glories and activities, there are no words or concepts able to represent all the things that You have done on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. Certainly, we are lucky persons to be witnesses of Your glories in this world, perhaps my lack of qualities and qualifications make me brain tightened and my heart hard like a stone. However, the appearance day of the spiritual master is the most…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Kishori Mani Dasi – Chile, Santiago

    Dearest Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisance, All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! On this special day of your appearance I want to express in some way my gratitude and admiration for you. In Caitanya Caritamrta [Adi lila 8.5. Meaning] it says: “In Vaisnava philosophy there are three ways for perfection — namely sādhana-siddha, perfection attained by executing devotional service according to the rules and regulations, nitya-siddha, eternal perfection attained by never forgetting Kṛṣṇa at any time, and kṛpā-siddha, perfection attained by the mercy of the spiritual master or another Vaisnava. Kaviraja Gosvami here stresses kṛpā-siddha, perfection by the mercy of superior authorities. This mercy does not depend…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Jingru Qiu – China, Guangzhou

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Happy Birthday to you! Firstly I didn’t want to take away time from you, but now I am finally ready to open my heart and confess to you; my tears keep reminding me how much I miss you! I joined your Kartik parikrama in 2019. I was an infant on the path to Lord Krishna then. I could never imagine that I would be so fortunate to get shelter at your lotus feet and to obtain so much mercy from you. My life is more beautiful since I discovered the path of Krishna Consciousness, and it became much better because of your energy and association. The day…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Di Yujing – China, Panzhihua

    Dearest Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my very very humble obeisances time and time again at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you! With Lord’s tremendous mercy, somehow in His beautiful arrangement, I came to Sri Vrndavana Dham last October, and with Lord’s more merciful arrangement, somehow I was very fortunate to be brought at your lotus feet. And those short few days, I have got the most beautiful and precious memory in my whole life. How fortunate of little me! And how graceful of you and the Lord! After these many lifetimes, I finally bow down to you, my beloved Spiritual Master, I regularly absorbed…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhakta Yang Xiyi – China, Yiyang

    My Srila Gurudeva, my dear Spiritual Father, Please accept my very humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you. During the Kartika month of last year, you took us to a program in the outskirts of New Delhi. You gave a half hour speech on the stage. Due to the brightness of the spotlight, you were besieged by tens of thousands of mosquitoes. Staring at them, I wondered how uncomfortable you must be, however, it seems that you were not disturbed at all. At that moment, I was dumbfounded by how incredible you are. After coming back from India, whenever I was trapped in all kinds of…

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