
  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Guna Sundari devi dasiRussia, Chelyabinsk

    Dear Srila Gurudev!Please accept my humble bows in the dust of your lotus feet!All glory to Srila Prabhupada! All glory to you!On this most happy day for me, the Day of Your arrival in this world, let me bring you the words of gratitude that overflow my heart. For all the people on the Earth, your Appearance into this world was a blessing! Already millions of souls have received the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna from you and your disciples at Festivals, listening to kirtans, and then, when all countries were closed, even though the lockdown was over— through your transcendental lectures! But as for a little child…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Gopika Sundari devi dasiRussia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All Glory to Srila Prabhupada.On the day of Your Vyasa Puja, I’d like to thank You for everything that You do for us, for Your lectures and instructions that keep us in touch with You along with photos and videos. Thank you for the service You provide to me and my family.Please, bless me to continue my spiritual practice that will let me be engaged in service and mission. Your servant, Gopika Sundari d. Гопика Сундари деви дасиРоссия, Санкт-Петербург Дорогой Шрила Гурудев, примите, пожалуйста, мои смиренные поклоны в пыли Ваших лотосных стоп. Вся слава Шриле…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Gokula Ranjana devi dasi – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet! All Glory to you!On this auspicious day filled with your blessings, I would like to glorify You and express my gratitude for the mercy You shed on me every day and hour. After all I understand very well that I received all the best things in my life by Your grace. I remember my life before I met you with sadness. It’s just a series of events devoid of meaning. I remember those days when I could see You admiring your transcendental service. I am filled with gratitude for everything You have given me: Your gracious shelter,…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Giriraj-gopal Das Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva!Today, on this auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I would like to say words of gratitude and admiration for the colossal work, that you have done in the past year, which was not so easy for all of us. I understand, the nectar, that you share with us by your causeless mercy is certainly the mature result of your sincere and selfless service to the mission of Srila Prabhupad throughout almost all of your life. Thank you, dear Srila Gurudeva, for such an enliving lectures and delightful details of the pastimes, that are taking place in forests of Vraj daily. And a special thanks for your taste…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Gauranga Prema Vilasa das, Gaura Bhavini devi dasi and Arjuna Krishna das – Russia, Krasnodar

    Dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my obeisances! I remember very well that a year ago, during your online vyasa puja, we gathered at the temple on the Steppe inKrasnodar to congratulate you. Mataji Lilavati spoke from us, we did not see you and your emotions, but felt them in our hearts. When, suddenly, Mataji Lilavati told you that I was conducting morning puja to the Deities Sri Sri Avadhuta Chandra-Gauranga Roy and Sri Yoga-Nrasimhadeva -Prahlada Maharaja. I felt that you were very satisfied and a wave of your blessings washed over me, and froze with a pleasant warmth and happiness in my heart. I stood up and folded my hands…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Gaura Sundari devi dasi – Russia, Yekaterinburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva.Please accept my obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.Today, on this most joyful day of the year, I want to thank you for being an important part of my life and completely changing it. Dear Srila Gurudeva, you are forgetting yourself by serving Srila Prabhupada. On May 1st of this year there was an initiation ceremony, and in your opening speech you noted that the relationship between the guru and the disciple is eternal. They never break. You said that you always care about our progress and always support your disciples. For us you have written 14 volumes of the book The Diary of a travelling monk, more than…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Vrindavan Tulasi Manjari devi dasi – Russia, Penza

    Dear Guru Maharaja,Please accept my obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.All glories to the disciples and followers of Srila Prabhupada.I congratulate you on the holiday of your appearance day in this world for devotional service to our beloved Srila Prabhupada.Your example inspires me to surrender more, be bolder in service and trust the Lord. Dear Srila Gurudeva, I just love listening to your lectures!There is so much happiness in the spiritual life, I bathe in it and matter attracts me less and less.Dear Gurudeva, in the last year I have grown a little in service to you—I have taken on more responsibility and I have become a mentor for several devotees.I…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Vara Sundari devi dasi – Russia, Crimea, Simferopol

    Dear Guru Maharaj! Please accept my humble obeisances to Your lotus feet! All glory to Srila Prabhupada! All glory to all the devotees!On this amazing and very auspicious day of Your Vyasa-Puja, everyone expresses their gratitude to You for taking on a very big responsibility to bring the disciple back to Sri Krishna. Ignoring the obstacles that arise in Your path, You still bravely plow through the jungles of cities, endlessly mired in the forest fire of material existence. Like a huge cloud, You shed rain streams of mercy, a wonderful gift, the messages of the Supreme Lord, extinguishes the burning flame of anxiety in our heart. You are like…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Vaishnava Thakur das – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Gurudev!Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of Your lotus feet.All glories to Srila Prabhupada!All glories to Guru-parampara!All glories to Sri Sri Gaura-Nutai! All glories to You, dear Gurudev!nama om vishny-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhy-tale srimate indradyumna- swami iti namine namah prabhupada-priya dasaya jagannatha yatrananda murtaye bhakta sykhaya krishnotkirtanena narasimhena raksitaya namaha Dear Srila Gurudev!Please accept my congratulations with Your Vyasa-puja Day!Let me congratulate You and express my gratitude for Your causeless mercy and permission to serve Your Divine Grace and take part in the mission of sankirtan-yajna of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada.The service to the pure devotee, the spiritual master, please the Supreme Personality of Godhead because You…

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  • 2022-offerings-public

    From Vairagya das – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please, accept my most respectful obeisances and gratitude for one more chance to glorify Your Divine Grace at Day of your Appearance.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada by whose mercy all of us have got an ability to learn about spiritual abode of the Supreme Lord, about Personality of Sri Krishna and about a way to recover our eternal relations with Him and to come back for serving Sri Govinda at His Kingdom.Over the years learning you closer and closer by mercy of All-good Lord, I wonder more and more by versatility of your talents and by your art of knowing to use them in service to your spiritual…

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