
  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Snigdhamayi Sudevi devi dasi – India, Sridham Mayapur

    Dear Maharaj,Please accept my respectful obeisances at your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!Happy Vyasa Puja! Thank you for celebrating your Vyasa puja here in Sridham Mayapur. Thank you for visiting Sridham Mayapur, for giving us so much of your time and valuable association through classes and morning japa sessions. These are undoubtedly the best moments of my life. As Srimad Bhagavatam 1.18.13 states: “The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot even be compared to the attainment of heavenly planets or liberation from matter, and what to speak of worldly benedictions in the form of material prosperity, which…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Jivananda das – Australia, Sydney

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your divine lotus feet.More than ever these days, if it is even possible, people are utterly lost and hopelessly confused about their identity and purpose. They don’t know who they are, they don’t know why they’re here, and they mostly don’t seem to care. The primary obsession of the societal narrative in the Western world seems to be focusing on people’s relative, temporary identities, with scant consideration given to deeper, fundamental thoughts of a permanent identity beneath.Only a devotee understands true identity and purpose, and that conscious reality is perfectly exemplified by you, the…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Vilasini devi dasi – India, Radha Kunda

    Hare Krishna. Pamho , All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and my deepest obeisances at the lotus feet of my spiritual master HH Indradyumna Swami . Happy Birthday Srila Gurudeva.Srila Prabhupada wrote in 1961 a Vyasa Puja offering to his beloved Gurudeva. I have borrowed some of these to glorify you. Srila Prabhupada wrote in point number 12: To see a sense enjoyer is like drinking poison, but you oh my master , go far and near, even abroad to give them your Darshan. Srila Gurudeva you are my Hero. From the jungles to the mountains to the seas to the deserts you have preached and sowed the seed of the…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Vraja Premika Dasi – India, Currently Nellore

    Hare Krishna Dear Srila Gurudev, Please accept my humble obeisances,All Glories to Guru and Gauranga,All Glories to Srila Prabhupad,All Glories to your Lotus Feet.Wishing you Happy Vyasa-Puja Srila Gurudev.You have always been an example of being a Prabhupad Man thus inspiring and showering the mercy on many fallen souls like me. Ever indebted for you Srila Gurudev.Every activity of yours is very inspiring Srila Gurudev, especially your compassion to preach and give Krishna to others, no matter what happens without any break you go on, this is something that always makes me more enlightening.Every word of your dairies have been enlivening source to inspire and teach one how should one…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Pratik Jogi – India, Nanded, Maharashtra

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.All Glories to You!!!!All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!Recently I was hearing the Vyasa Puja address you gave in 2007 in Ireland and you were telling,”Devotees are very busy in the services but sometimes we have to stop and remember how we are delivered and what is the source of our good fortune. It’s our heart’s desire to take time each year to express our deepest gratitude to Srila Prabhupada. This is Vyasa Puja.This day is the day of deep loving sentiments, expressing the inner recesses of our hearts to Srila Prabhupada.” So, on this auspicious day of…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Kishori Sundari Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Cherkassy

    Dear Shrila GuruDev, please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for rescuing me from the raging ocean of material existence. When I joined Shri Prabhupada’s movement, I thought my life had truly changed. But two years after initiation, I realized that it was only preparation. Spiritual life truly began after initiation, and I never imagined that the process of diksha would be so deep and sometimes difficult.So much has happened over the past two years, both externally and internally, with its ups and downs. I have learned that without good…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Krieshvari Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Dipro

    Hare Krishna, my dearest Shrila Gurudev! Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! On this day of Vyasa Puja, I want to express my gratitude and glorify you for your love, care, and mercy. You are my eternal spiritual teacher, and my entire family loves you very much. We have been part of the Krishna Consciousness Society for a long time, and you have brought us happiness despite the difficulties. My husband, your disciple Shri Hari Prabhu, passed away at a very early age, and I was left alone with three children. You generously and selflessly blessed my children as a father, gave them protection and knowledge,…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Abhisara Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Odessa

    Dear Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all the assembled devotees.On this day of your radiant appearance, let me wish you health, long life and deep spiritual achievements. Which you then so generously share with your students and well-wishers. Your love and willingness to give your all to devotees is reminiscent of the love and mood of your great spiritual master, His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.I have heard from congratulations from other ISKCON students and teachers that the student really has nothing to offer but his life.The spiritual master draws his power from the ocean of mercy of Lord Nityananda himself and is…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Kamala Nayani Radha Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Alchevsk

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you. On this wonderful day of your appearance, I want to thank you for changing my life. You have shed a lot of gratuitous mercy on me, I will always be eternally indebted to you. You are always thinking about how you can give people Krsna Consciousness. You have given your whole life to Srila Prabhupada spreading Krishna Consciousness. Thanks to you and other disciples of Srila Prabhupada, we now have a large ISKCON society, just as Srila Prabhupada wanted. You have so many difficulties in preaching, but…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Prema Dayani Radha Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Alchevsk

    Dear Srila Gurudev, please, accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Today is a very significant day for all of us – the day of your appearance. Gurudev, I am so very grateful to you for everything you have done for me. I will always be eternally indebted to you. Gurudev, I am so grateful to you for your example: completely surrendering to your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. You have given your whole heart and your whole life preaching Krsna Consciousness all over the world. On this day, I pray to Srila Prabhupada to allow me to gain as much faith in…

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