
  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Shyamala Gopi d.d – Russia, Orenburg

    My dear Spiritual Master Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am very happy to be able to write an offering to you this year. Your instructions from lectures showing me the way to home and lighting my path in life with love for God. The power of your blessing literally changed my life – last time I wrote to you that I have been very sick for many months and cannot be cured in order to continue my service. And this time I am writing to you that everything has changed for the better – thanks for your mercy.…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Syama-gaurangi Dasi – Russia, Moscow

    Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my most humble obeisances in the blessed dust of your lotus feet! All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please allow me on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja to have a try to offer at least a bud of my gratitude and appreciation to you. In your lecture from February 02, 2012 mentioning the poisonous spiders and cobras that inhabit Vraja you say: padaṁ padaṁ yad vipadāṁ na teṣām (SB 10.14.58) – dangers await us at every step. Even in Vrindavana Dham we cannot hide from the mouth of suffering. And yet you give us this refuge in your lectures. It is not just a sword of knowledge that cuts up all…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Shyama-Bihari das – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! On this most auspicious day of Vyasa Puja, I want to express my deep gratitude to you!  The spiritual master is the representative of Krishna, therefore we worship spiritual master as Krishna himself! Thank you for not rejecting me and accepting me as a disciple. When my first teacher, Harikesa prabhu, passed away, it was not an easy period in my life. Everything began to collapse one after another, I felt like a stray dog that has no shelter. No matter what I did, no matter what efforts I made, everything flew away somewhere into the abyss. Every day…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Shuddha Nama das and Saraswati lila devi dasi – Russia, Chelyabinsk

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept our most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glory to SrilaPrabhupada, the six Gosvamis of Vrindavan, SriPancha-tattva! On this blessed day of Your appearance,  pleaseaccept our humble words of gratitude and respect! For us, there is no person in the world more important than You, and there are no more sacred ties than the ties that bind a spiritual master and a disciple.  Srila Raghunatha das Goswami in Sri Mukta-charita writes: hegurogyana-da dina-bandho svananda-datahkarunaika-sindho Vrindavanasinahitavatara prasidaradha-pranaya-prachara O spiritual master, O giver of divine wisdom, O friend of the fallen. You give bliss and you are the only ocean of mercy. Although you…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Sri Radha Govinda das – Russia, Saint-Petersbirg

    Dear Gurudev! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glory to Srila Prabhupada. On this wonderful day of Vyasa-Puja, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to you. There are no words in the whole world that can fully describe your wonderful qualities, and yet I hope that my humble attempt will bring you a little satisfaction. For your pleasure, I offer poeme, a manifestation of your mercy: 1. Oh, Gurudev, who gives shelter at his lotus feet. I fell deeply into this ocean of material misery, vainly seeking happiness in material wealth and false prestige . It’s only thanks to you that I’ve…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Sri Priya Kunda devi dasi – Belarus, Minsk

    Hare Krishna dear Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my obeisances! All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada! Together with everyone, I want to congratulate you on the day of your appearance, on the day of your Vyasa Puja. This is a very important holiday for all of ISKCON, and especially for your disciples. I would like to thank you for the shelter you graciously gave me a year ago as your initiated disciple. During this year, I realized how merciful you are to your disciples, because I do not have the proper qualifications to be a mature, and even more, worthy disciple. This year has made it clear to me how powerless I…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Havir Hari Dasa – Russia, Volgodonsk

    Hare Krishna! Accept my bow, my dear spiritual master. Glory to Guru and Gauranga. All glory to SrilaPrabhupada. Thank you so much for coming for me in this incarnation. I want to share with you one dream in which I dreamed of devotees, Chaitanya Chandra CharanPrabhu, Vaishnava pranaPrabhu. Chaitanya Chandra CharanPrabhu said only two words, but these two words still warm my soul: “Take care of the food.” Then in His book “The Evolution of Consciousness” I read that food for the spiritual soul is love for God. Without japayajna, Krishna katha, praises and prayers for the glory of Lord Sri Krishna, everything would have faded, the whole sadhana bhaktiwould have turned…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Prananatha das – Russia, Krasnoyarsk

    Dear Guru Maharaja.Please accept please my humble obeisance.All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I write letters very rare. It is easier for me to convey my thoughts by speech then to commit it to paper. At this wonderful day of Your Vyasa Puja I want to express my endless gratitude for Your mercy to those who doesn’t deserve it. Only by the grace of Krishna and spiritual master we have a possibility to serve Lord and His devotees and only this service brings in our life peace and satisfaction. For a long years it was impossible for me to merge into Lord’s service because I was enforced to live at home and…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Padmini Radhika dasi – Russia, Lipetsk

    Dear Srila Gurudev, accept my humble obeisances!All glory to you, allglory to Srila Prabhupada!I sincerely congratulate you on your Vyasa-Puja!I want to glorify you today and thank you!As a true representative of the Lord, you carry the message of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: bestowing His mercy in the form of sweet kirtans, delicious prasad and Krishna katha nectar to all who come in contact with you. By studying the ancient sources of the writings of our acharyas, you generously share with everyone your discoveries and transcendental findings, immersing us in the subtleties the intimate relationship of Radha and Krishna, Their Vrindavan lilas. You realize that we don’t have the proper…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Nrisimha Shalagram das – Russia, Rybinsk

    Dear Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Your day of Vyasa Puja is our appearance day from material world into the spiritual world. What a great and incomprehensible luck to be your servant and disciple. Today I want to make an offering of my best most happy life. You accepted me and gave me the absolute supreme shelter – meaning the holy name and mission. After this – there’s nothing but knowledge, eternity and bliss. Bigger magic are devotees of Nama Amrita every week sing the holy name and preach the glories of the holy name. We all…