• 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Jingru Qiu – China, Guangzhou

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Happy Birthday to you! Firstly I didn’t want to take away time from you, but now I am finally ready to open my heart and confess to you; my tears keep reminding me how much I miss you! I joined your Kartik parikrama in 2019. I was an infant on the path to Lord Krishna then. I could never imagine that I would be so fortunate to get shelter at your lotus feet and to obtain so much mercy from you. My life is more beautiful since I discovered the path of Krishna Consciousness, and it became much better because of your energy and association. The day…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Di Yujing – China, Panzhihua

    Dearest Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my very very humble obeisances time and time again at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you! With Lord’s tremendous mercy, somehow in His beautiful arrangement, I came to Sri Vrndavana Dham last October, and with Lord’s more merciful arrangement, somehow I was very fortunate to be brought at your lotus feet. And those short few days, I have got the most beautiful and precious memory in my whole life. How fortunate of little me! And how graceful of you and the Lord! After these many lifetimes, I finally bow down to you, my beloved Spiritual Master, I regularly absorbed…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhakta Yang Xiyi – China, Yiyang

    My Srila Gurudeva, my dear Spiritual Father, Please accept my very humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you. During the Kartika month of last year, you took us to a program in the outskirts of New Delhi. You gave a half hour speech on the stage. Due to the brightness of the spotlight, you were besieged by tens of thousands of mosquitoes. Staring at them, I wondered how uncomfortable you must be, however, it seems that you were not disturbed at all. At that moment, I was dumbfounded by how incredible you are. After coming back from India, whenever I was trapped in all kinds of…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhakta Shaoshi Zhang – China, Shenzhen

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Srila Indradyumna Swami! Thank you for accepting me as your disciple on December 31, 2018. Thank you for your causeless mercy. You instructed me to chant nicely, have good association with devotees and serve to the devotees and serve to the Lord. I have got to know you through reading your preaching diary and the association with your disciples. I am deeply impressed by your teaching through your own example. Since then, I am determined to be your disciple. I pray to Lord Nrsimha to protect you all the time, and continue to preach the Holy name to more…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhakta Geping Li – China, Beijing

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisance, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. After thousands of life times, only today I am fortunate enough to have taken your hand. This time, even if I were beaten to death, I would never leave your lotus feet again! I want to go back home! Please be sure to take me there with you! In year 2016, at the opening ceremony of the Beijing temple, you came to give us your blessings. Your strong body was like a big tree, which created attachment in me. Your powerful arms will surely be able to lift me up from the ocean of nescience. However, I was…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From bhakta Aleksandr Vladykinskiy – China, Beijing

    Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami, Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I had a great honor to make an offering to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja. I would never dare to have it published it as I consider myself unqualified and unworthy of such a privilege, but my godbrothers and godsisters kindly provided me with such an opportunity. By their mercy I’m happy to try to glorify your Divine Grace. Please give me your blessing to pour all my sincerity in these words. Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami! The persons like you, who are always engaged in…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Vamsidas Kishor Das – China, Beijing

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisance, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Due to the Pandemic, we are able to fully immersed in your transcendental teachings. Thank you so much for this mercy. I have never forgot your instruction, to make more Chinese to become devotees. I don’t have any qualification and capacity, the only thing I can do is to persistently pray to you and Srila Prabhupada to shelter me to fulfill this instruction. Last year, when we heard of your surgery we were in great anxiety, and in some ways I felt guilty. I thought that you had fallen ill because of me. I was told it’s not…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Tulasi Dasi – China, Nanning

    Respected Indradyumna Swami, Gurudeva! Hare Krsna! Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet! Dear Gurudeva, I took second initiation from you in Hong Kong on November 17th. 2009. Before that, I was a disciple of His Holiness Tamal Krsna Goswami, and got first initiation from him by his mercy in 1997. Soon after the initiation, my Guru Maharaja wrote to tell me that he would give me second initiation soon. But after that, my Godbrothers created the ritvik waves in Nanning and Guangzhou. Guru Maharaja was very sad, and did not come to Nanning and Guangzhou for a few years. Soon after that, he got sick, and…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Saranagati Dasi – China, Beijing

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, On this very auspicious appearance day of yours, please accept my very humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Those fallen souls, who are ignorant to your position as the pure transcendental agent, and attempt to pursue perfection on their own, are really in a pathetic condition. Compared to them I feel fortunate and indebted to you. My only desire is to assist you to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s mission and distribute the transcendental mercy to those individual souls who are greatly suffering in this material existence. May Lord Krishna protect your spiritual body and your devotees. I pray my spiritual consciousness are connected with you forever and forever…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Giri Govardhana Das – China, Pingxiang

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am your lowly and fallen disciple Giri Govardhana Das. Today is your auspicious appearance day, a day infused with love and sweetmellows. As your disciple I wish to honor you with all my heart. Dear Srila Gurudeva, my beloved father, as the bona fide representative of Lord Krsna, you are such a humble but divine personality. I am neither qualified nor equipped with knowledge to honor you properly. Dear Srila Gurudeva, my beloved father, as a qualified student of Srila Prabhupada, you shine like a pearl at his lotus feet. You have unflinching faith in Srila Prabhupada…

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