• 2020-offerings-public

    From bhaktin Elena Koziy – Crimea, Yalta

    Hare Krishna! Accept my most humble obeisances, dear Guru Maharaja. Also my obeisances to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the whole parampara of great teachers. I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for the great mercy, that I received, to see You at the Sadhu Sanga Russian Festival 2019 and to understand that in my life’s journey I met a lost Guru. I was happy that You were found and I can bow my head to Your lotus feet. At the right time the pranama-mantra opened and there was hope eventually to become Your disciple. And the most important that I immediately gain…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Vara Sundari Dasi – Crimea, Simferopol

    Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami, Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. I express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada for letting me enjoy your association and service to you. Dear Guru Maharaja, your chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord is like a forest fire that filled the whole world; wherever you go, you shower your mercy upon everyone. Your lectures are the joy of our hearts. Even now you’re so merciful to preach online to let us have your association, as by the mercy of the spiritual master one can cross the ocean of material existence and obtain the mercy of Krishna. Let me…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Gopa Sundari Dasi – Crimea, Simferopol

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you, dear Gurudeva, for all the mercy you get from your dear master and distribute to us, your disciples. Your mercy is so great and so varied, that one cannot comprehend it at once, it is the same difficult as to see a huge picture at close range. I used to think that I was out of your favor. I am a wife and mother of two children. I have never been to the Polish tour, I have never been on a parikrama to the holy dhama…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Gaura Premanandi Karini Dasi – Crimea, Yalta

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please, accept my humble obeisances at the dust of Your lotus feet! All glories to You, my dear spiritual master, to Your service to Srila Prabhupada! This year when Caklesvara Prabhu told me that I had to read my offering, Ireplied: “Six times in a row I was in the lists, but each time during the ceremony, when it was my turn, there was a shortage of time.” Caklesvara Prabhu said that he would personally ensure that this time they would not run out of time and I will have opportunity. He always takes care of everyone! This demonstrates how, by the mercy of the Guru, we…

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