• 2020-offerings-public

    From Syamala Gopi dasi – Russia, Orenburg

    My dear spiritual master Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaja,I respectfully bow to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Let me thank you for being present in my life. The Bhagavad Gita says that Lord Krishna is the life force in all living entities. A physical body without a particle of spirit inside it is not able to live. Similarly, my life without you would be the life of a dead man. What is the point of not having faith in you, not listening to your instructions, not following you in everything, and not offering you prayers. Even my pathetic attempts to serve you are not in vain, because I…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Syama Sakhi dasi – Russia, Moscow

    Dear Srila Gurudeva!Accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Allow me to congratulate you with the day of Your Vyasa Puja.This is the day of Your appearance is an opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation.I met You as a child and accepted You as my spiritual master. Before meeting You as a child I was looking for answers to eternal questions: Who am I? What is the sense of life? What is our purpose? I addressed these questions to priests and pastors, but their answers did not bring satisfaction to my soul. The meetings with You was the most significant event in my life. You turned to…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Syama Kripa dasi – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!On Your Appearance day I want to express my love and gratitude to You. Dear Gurudeva, You’re all that I have. Thank You for showering Your mercy on me and accepting me as Your disciple. You allow me to see Your life as an example of devotional service to Krishna. You are like a lighthouse in the ocean of material existence that always show us the right direction. You make us feel the unconditioned love. You love us despite all our mistakes, faults and laziness. You can turn all our imperfections into service…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Syama Jivani dasi – Russia, Samara

    Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaja,Please, accept my humble obeisances! All glories to you!Thank you, Gurudeva, for accepting me in the shelter of the dust of your lotus feet. Meeting you was the Lord’s blessing for me, my biggest fortune and causeless mercy.When I was a little girl, just five years old, you hugged me and put on me your garland, and I still cannot forget your love, and cannot forget Krsna, for you opened Him to my eyes. That great day you planted Bhakti seed in a little girl, who grew up and did not forget that love. The love, that you planted, is growing now as well.I was looking…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Suvarna Kumari dasi – Russia, Moscow

    My dear beloved spiritual master, Indradyumna Maharaj,Please accept my humble obeisances! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!I sincerely congratulate You on Your birthday! May every moment, every day, every year bring You the happiness of serving Krsna and Srila Prabhupada!May Krsna and Srimati Radharani always show their mercy on You, and may all be well with You! I wish You long, long years in the service of Krsna and Radharani. Through You, the grace of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, extends to all of us ordinary people who have the good fortune to meet You, hear Your lectures, or even accidentally hear the sound of the Holy Name of Krsna from afar…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Sukhanti Radha dasi – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my obeisances in the dust of your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada who sent you to me as the savior of my soul. I pray to the Lord to give you good health. There are really so many worries in this world. Please take care of yourself! Dear Srila Gurudeva, I am never tired of admiring your kind, loving Vaisnava heart . You personally care so much about your disciples, other devotees and people who don’t practice the path yet. As I am your disciple, I see all types of publications on the Internet about your life and preaching activity as very precious to me.…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Srimati dasi – Russia, Vladimir

    Dear Guru Maharaja,Please accept our humble obeisances.On this day of Vyasa Puja and on all days ever we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you; thank you for having found us in this world and having thrown your merciful glance upon us, also for caring about all your disciples and taking us back to Krishna by giving us your instructions.You are the main person in our life. You are the lighthouse which guides the lost souls in this vast ocean of material existence. The light of your love, the example of your love, your faith in the path you are following, your faithfulness to Srila Prabhupada, parampara and…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Sri Radhika Carana Seva dasi – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudev,All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet!I am so happy that I have an opportunity to congratulate you with your appearance day! Meeting you is my greatest fortune in life! But I didn’t recognize that you are my spiritual master when I saw you for the first time. Many years I had an association with your disciples, and even participated in the Polish tour. I always admired for your devotion to Srila Prabhupada, with that each minute of your life is full of love for him. You gave to Prabhupada your life and soul and you want to please…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Sri Kamini dasi – Russia, Kazan

    Dear Srila Gurudev,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to You! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!Please, allow me to congratulate You on the day of Your Appearance, and to try to express my deep gratitude to You for what You have done for me and for my family (of course, even for millions of lives I will not be able to thank You for the grace that You pour on me).It is said that Vaisnavas do not particularly fancy celebrating birthdays in the material world. But, thanks to Your birth here, You are now saving thousands of conditioned souls, and leading them to Srila Prabhupada’s feet. Is this a real…

  • 2020-offerings-public

    From Somaditya dasi – Russia, Samara

    Dear Srila Gurudev,Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!On this auspicious day of Your Vyasa Puja I want to glorify You like Ananta Sesa, who glorifies Krsna with thousands of mouths. But this glorification will not be enough to show what You do for Srila Prabhupada’s mission. Continuous preaching tours around the world and revealing the greatest possibilities for preaching Krsna Consciousness. At the same time, you are not attached to Your body, although you have undergone a few severe operations.As I look at this, I try to understand the power of the spiritual teacher’s blessings which help us to…