• 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Tatyana Dobrotskaya – Ukraine, Kiev

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krsna! Please, accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to You! I bow down to the lotus feet of my Spiritual Master, who has opened my eyes with the torchlight of transcendental knowledge, while I was blinded by the darkness of illusion. My name is Tatyana Dobrotskaya, I am 27 years old and I am from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am married to my best friend Vitaliy, whom I met eight years ago at the University, and we are blessed to have a 3-years old daughter Eva. I began to listen vedic lectures six years ago,…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Olga Mikitina – Ukraine, Krivoy Rog

    Greatly respected and very dear to my heart Srila Gurudev, Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisance.Today, on the eve of Your Appearance Day, I cannot help but share, how happy I am to be Your disciple! Exactly, a year ago 18 of May 2019, You bestow Your mercy upon me and gave me, a fallen soul, Your pranama-mantra. I do not remember day happier than that in my life! When I remember that sweet moment my hands start shaking and tears flow from my eyes. On that day, You told me that besides You there were a lot of good spiritual teachers, which are even much better than You……

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Maria Perun – Ukraine, Cherkassy

    Dear Srila Gurudev, Please accept, my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I am only chanting Your pranama-mantra. But still, on this great day I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to You. Thank You, dear Gurudev, for having found me in the midst of the fire of this material existence. Although I have not yet fully realized this, but You are graciously giving me Your refuge and protection. All glories to You! You saved me and continue to do so day after day. Your lectures are a reality in which one wants to be every day. And this quarantine…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Margarita Valieva – Ukraine, Kharkiv

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krsna! Please, accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada — Your dear spiritual master! Please, accept my congratulations on this auspicious Day of Your Appearance! We are very lucky, that we can follow a person like You. You travel to different parts of this world and generously share the gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When You appear, Maya is forced to hide. Your light dissipates any darkness. Vyasa Puja – is the day, when I summarize everything in order to realize, where am I going, and to understand, whether my relationship with You has deepen. By the…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Margarita Baklanova – Ukraine, Odessa

    My dear Guru Maharaj, Hare Krishna! Accept my obeisances. All the glory to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, all the glory to you as his sincere disciple! Happy Birthday my dear spiritual master! I pray to Krishna that you will always be healthy and full of strength and energy in the service of your spiritual master. Your birth is grace for me, your life is my example. Thank you for coming to me and giving me the meaning and purpose of life. Let me always remember you as a dear, beloved father. You are my joy and serving you is the meaning and purpose of my life. I had great…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Kristina Badyuk – Ukraine, Izmail

    Dear Guru Maharaj! Hare Krsna! Accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. With all my heart, please accept my congratulations on the day of Your Vyasa Puja. I am happy that Ican join all Your disciples’ congratulations. The birth of a devotee is like a sunrise in the east. I glorify Your birth! For Krsna to appear in our heart, at first we have to open it to the spiritual master. I wish that Your disciples’ hearts will always be filled with love for You and for Krsna. May Your devotion to the Lord illuminate their path to human hearts and…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Irina Labetskaya – Ukraine, Berdyansk

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. With all my heart I congratulate you on the day of your Vyasa Puja! Actually, I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude for your presence in my life. Your smile and your voice make me so happy; your instructions enter my very heart. Today I would like to share two very secret moments of my life with you in which your deep concern and love have manifested. 4,5 years ago my father left his body. That summer he started visiting the temple, but it was hard…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Angelina Kirichuk (Amiya Vilasa) – Ukraine, Kiev

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. My name is Amiya Vilasa, I’m 15 years old. I am from Kiev, Ukraine.I am very happy that You are giving the opportunity to send an online offering to Your Vyasa Puja. This is an amazing opportunity to share my gratitude and thoughts. I want to thank You for those sacred words that You share with us in Your lectures, I am so excited about what I heard. It’s a pity that this year I probably won’t have an opportunity to see You and Your wonderful disciples personally, but I understand that all is for the best and Krishna will…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhaktin Anastasia Smolyanskaya – Ukraine, Zaporozhye

    Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I’m very sorry that this year we won’t be able to meet. One more year has passed. I am still very grateful to you for the opportunity to stay in devotees’ society. Thank you for your concern and for your numerous online classes. You are an example of bona fide and sincere disciple of your spiritual master for me. This year was rather difficult for me due to my educational process. I am sorry to say that I cannot share any of my deep spiritual realizations with you. Nevertheless, my…

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  • 2020-offerings-public

    from bhakta Valeriy Budyonny – Ukraine, Kiev

    My dear spiritual master, Srila Indradyumna Swami, Please accept my humble obeisances.The holy scriptures describe the glories of the spiritual master, and state that the spiritual master is not different from the SupremeLord Himself, and is a transparent medium between the disciple and the Lord. The spiritual master constantly thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and involves his disciples in the glorification of the Lord and His devotees. The spiritual master serves the Lord without demanding anything in return. You are a pure devotee of the Lord. In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krsna says that: “My devotee deserves worship more than I Myself do”, therefore I respectfully…

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