• 2023-offerings-privet

    from Cintamani Dhama dasi – Croatia, Zagreb

    My dearest Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my respectful obeisances ,All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Om ajnana -timirandhasya jnanajnana-salakaya caksur unmilitamyena tasmai Sri-gaurave namah My dear spiritual masterOn this auspicious day I would like to thank you Thank You for giving me shelter under Your lotos feet and Holy NameThank You for being my eternal ever wellvisherThank You being sublime example how to serve Spiritual Master and Krishna❤️Thank You for sharing Your selfless love to Your desciples and gives wonderful exampleThank You for your every spoken wordsThank You ….. I am eternaly grateful to You,my beloved Spiritual Master Your servantCintamani Dhama dasi Please accept, dear Srila Gurudeva, this draw I Made for…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Nandisvara das – Croatia, Zagreb

    Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisance at the dust of your lotus feet.All glories to the Srila Prabhupada. I’m so grateful to you and Srila Prabhupada, that we get opportunity to glorify such a exalted personality as you are. In some previous times we thought that in due course of time , it would be naturally that we follow your footsteps by traveling and preaching around, making festivals, making devotees and be blissful.But, we find out that even in small amount, small dose of it, that’s a task which requires tremendous energy and constant enthusiasm. For just a small dose of it.What to say about being fully engaged,…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Šri Višnu Puri das & Keli Manjari devi dasi & Damjan – Croatia, Zagreb

    Dear Šrila Gurudeva,Please accept our respected obeisances.All glories to Šrila Prabhupada.All glories to Your divine graceOn this auspicious day of Your appearance, we want to thank You for everything You do for us.Every day we follow your videos and lessons and bathe in the grace that you extend to us and to the whole world.For us you are the perfect and most sublime servant of Srila Prabhupāda and of our disiplice heritage.Eternal inspiration and refuge.You are a person full of love and mercy to all of us.Your lessons expose confidential parties in Vrindavana, and with your activities you show us how you spread that love.Thank you for all the grace…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Sundari-Priya dasi – Croatia

    Poem dedicated to my beloved Srila Gurudeva – H.H. Indradyumna SwamiBRIDGEBridge, unmoved and permanentOn the bank of Life’s lone shadowy riverYou build between us.A bridge rising to reach immense strength,Sheltering to defeat anger and pride,Broad and immense to chant with peace, poise, and serenity.You build the bridge, unwavering and brilliant,A country fair for those mad with loveWhere every distinction between guru and disciple disappears.While some smiles are caused by your fulfilment,Others weep tears of your tenderness.Devotees dance, whirling with your bliss,Your disciples are lost in the rapture of pure love.You build the bridge, unmoved and increasingTo serve Krishna in His divine form.Krishna with wavy locks, jeweled crown and sweet smile.Krishna…