from Bal Krsna das and Gauranga Priya devi dasi – Poland, Łódź
Dear MaharajHare Krsna,Please accept my most humble of obeisances at your divine lotus feet.All glories to Srila Prabhupada and His sincere disciples. Maharaj my name is Bal Krsna das, an Indian bodied and a disciple of H. H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami Maharaj, living in Łódź, Poland. Dear Maharaj I don’t have much qualification to glorify a highly situated personality like your holiness but the sake of your pleasure I will try here to share some thoughts. Maharaj, I have not met you so frequently than your disciples have but some of your elevated disciples like Gauridas Pundit das prabhu and his family are in constant touch with me and with…