• 2023-offerings-privet

    From Nikunja Lila dasi – Russia Nizhniy Novgorod

    Dear Srila Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. This is the third letter to you and behind the first year of my spiritual life. You gave me shelter in Srila Prabhupada’s family, you made me strong and protected. I am deeply grateful to you for this. I know that I always have you – far or near physically, but always as an invisible support and beacon on the way to God.Thank you for coming to Mayapur in autumn 2022. For the first time, I spent 10 days in a row with you, went to your programs and served. This experience with you has changed my heart. For the first time,…

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  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Ananga Manjari devi dasi – Russia, Sochi

    Dear Srila GurudevPlease accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!This year has been extremely nectarean for my understanding of how much I want to be dedicated to you. You have given me spiritual birth, for which I am immensely grateful. You have given me service, and by your mercy, I have had the opportunity to visit the Holy Dham, not just once but many times!By your boundless mercy and permission, the Lords of my heart have come to me, and being a foolish person, not knowing how to approach Them, you bestowed upon Them the names to chant: “Jaya Doyal Nitai,…

  • 2023-offerings-privet

    From Damodara das – Russia, staniza Pregradnaya

    My dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to You! All glories to Your spiritual master, His Holiness A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.While celebrating Vyasa-puja in London in Bury Place in 1970 Srila Prabhupada said, while explaining how a disciple must glorify his spiritual master during Vyasa-puja, “A disciple must speak about how a spiritual master entering his life has changed it over the year”. After these words I have thought about the moment You have entered my life and how it has changed since that moment…Since the moment I saw You for the first time (on the video), or when…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Kamalakshi Radhe dasi – Russia, Sochi

    Hare Krishna!Dear Gurudev, accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet!All glory to Srila Prabhupada!Accept my sincere gratitude for every drop of your mercy that has manifested itself in my destiny.Thanks!There is a place for each of your Disciples in your huge heart. And you are constantly praying for our spiritual well-being.I know that for sure. Because it is not possible to explain the “miracle of keeping me safe and sound in an  car accident” in any other way. It is the purity of your service to Lord Nrsimhadev that has manifested itself in my life.Your sincerity in serving Mahaprabhu was manifested in the realizations that came after the…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Sad Goswami das – Russia, Moscow

    Hare Krishna!Dear Srila Gurudev!Please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet!Nama om Vishnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya bhu-taleSrimate Indradyumna Swamin iti namineNamah Prabhupada-priya-dasaya Jagannatha yatrananda murtayeBhakta-sukhaya Krishnotkirtanena Narashinhena rakshitaya namah!!!All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Your service to His divine mission of preaching Sri Krishna Sankirtana in the western countries, throughout this impersonalized and materialistic world!“Satsvarupa Maharaj once asked Srila Prabhupada: “How much does a spiritual master know the heart of a devotee?” And Srila Prabhupada replied: “As much as a devotee thinks of a spiritual master, so a spiritual master thinks of a devotee.” When we sincerely pray to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada hears it even when we…

  • Sharing 2023

    Valentina Shvirst – Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    Dear Guru Maharaj, this is the thesis of Bhakti Sastri Course 2023. The topic is: Popularization of the 14th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. A group of devotees and I decided to do this work as a short film in the style of a silent movie. I very much hope that we will be able to please You and convey our positive emotional charge!

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Yamuna Kripa dasi – Russia, Cherepovets

    Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj! Please take my respectful obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Guru and Gauranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I’m Your disciple Yamuna Kripa Dasi from the city of Cherepovets (Russia). Less than a year ago you gave me an online initiation during the Polish Tour. Please accept my congratulations on the day of Vyasa Puja and wishes of health, strength, and sincere disciples. I appreciate you for the grace shown me by accepting me as a disciple. I sincerely try to follow these vows, communicate with devotees daily, and help my husband in his preaching work. Thank you for your…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Yudhishthira Raj Das – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! I am filled with gratitude for You are being with us. That You accepted me as your disciple. For Your excellent lectures and for the example of a real Krishna devotee, which You set by Your example, Your actions and Your instructions. Thanks to You, the very hope that I have been looking for so long has appeared in my life with You. It was a great happiness to see You personally at Kartik in Vrindavan. With respect and reverence, Yudhishthira Raj Das Юдхиштхира Радж дасРоссия, Санкт-Петербург Дорогой Шрила Гурудев! Примите, пожалуйста, мои поклоны в пыли Ваших лотосных стоп!Меня переполняет благодарность к Вам за…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Shyamala Sundari dd – Russia, Krasnodar

    My humble bows to Srila Prabhupada, to you dear Srila Gurudev, and to all the devotees.Dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my greetings. Vyasa puja is a special day of giving thanks. In one of the lectures Śrīla Prabhupāda said:“Nobody wants to be served, everybody wants to be served. This is the purusha mood. Everybody wants to be served, nobody wants to serve. That is the material worldview. When we agree to serve rather than accept service, that is liberation. When we agree only to serve and not to receive service, when we lose the desire to receive service from others, when we desire to serve others, that is true liberation.”Your whole life is an example of true…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Shyamala Gopi d.d – Russia, Orenburg

    My dear Spiritual Master Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am very happy to be able to write an offering to you this year. Your instructions from lectures showing me the way to home and lighting my path in life with love for God. The power of your blessing literally changed my life – last time I wrote to you that I have been very sick for many months and cannot be cured in order to continue my service. And this time I am writing to you that everything has changed for the better – thanks for your mercy.…