• 2023-offerings-public

    From Narada Muni das – Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my humble obeisances!All glories to Srila Prabhupada!How many amazing, wonderful disciples Srila Prabhupada has, who in various types of service show devotion to their dear Spiritual Master, demonstrating different qualities.And, undoubtedly, you, Srila Gurudeva, are one of the most prominent representatives of such qualities of devotion as self-sacrifice, giving yourself preaching 24 hours a day, literally falling down by the end of the day; fearlessness, preaching in the most dangerous places of this world, such as hot spots and the wild jungle of the Amazon, literally, in a river with cucarella – crocodiles; compassion, because of which you have been traveling all over the world…

  • 2023-offerings-public,  Uncategorized

    From Nadiya Priya devi dasi – Russia, Moscow, village of Marfino

    Hare Krisna, dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances in the dust of your feet, this is the place where I especially feel safe and protected by you. This is not sentiment or analogy. This is really what I feel inside. The moment when I received a real shelter in bowing to you on the shore of the sacred Kusum Sarovar is forever imprinted in my memory. I constantly pray to the Lord that He will keep in my heart this reverent attitude to the infinite mercy I have received through you. How grateful I am that you literally pulled me out of my illusory reality that day and gave…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Nadia Lila dasi- Russia, Verhnya Salda

    Dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! All glory to you and Srila Prabhupada! Glory to all the devotees!This year, by your causeless and boundless mercy, you accepted me as your disciple and initiated me in Vrindavana! I do not know how to express my love, because any words spoken will not describe the gratitude that I feel.The morning after the initiation, for the first time, I felt so clearly how big our family is, how thanks to Srila Prabhupada, we are all so different, united and moving towards a common goal. Although my attempts can mostly only cause laughter or tears,…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Mukunda Madhava das – Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

    Hare Krishna dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my humble bows  I would like to thank you very much for accepting me into the ranks of your disciples. Today, 12 April 2023, as I am writing this offering to You, it has already been one year (with the deduction of 11 days) since the moment of initiation. And in spite of the fact that this year for me was one of the most difficult in all my life from the material point of view, from the spiritual point of view I feel unprecedented inspiration and enthusiasm, my faith grows stronger on the way of serving your lotus feet. Before initiation it was…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Mani Radhika dasi – Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    Hare Krishna Precious Srila Gurudeva! Accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glory to you, all glory to Srila Prabhupada!From the bottom of my heart I express my respect and gratitude to you.Everything that happens in life, ever since the Lord gave the opportunity to serve under your guidance, is only your causeless mercy. Thank you, Srila Gurudeva, for the opportunity to be yourdisciple, to communicate with vaishnavas. Thank you for the grace of repetition The Holy Name and observance of principles, for the precious company of devotees and all-all your gracious disciples!Your personal example and the example of your students inspire us every day.…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Lila Mohini devi dasi – Russia, Moscow region

    Hare Krishna! Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances inthe dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and the Guru Parampara. All glory to you. On this bright and auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja, solely by the grace of Guru Paprampara, Srila Prabhupada and you, let me say a few words in your honor, although I do not have any qualifications for this.Dear Srila Gurudeva, for me you are a bottomless ocean of mercy and compassion, a worthy disciple and successor of Srila Prabhupada, a fearless andtireless preacher, an example of a caring spiritual teacher with a soft, kind heart who knows how to sympathize…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Lilavati devi dasi – Russia, Goryachiy kluch

    Dear Sri Lankan Gurudev! Accept our humble obeisances, all glory to Srila Prabhupada! Again spring and again your day of appearance! And again, joy in the heart, from such a gift from Krishna, such a spiritual teacher and such a disciple of his spiritual teacher as you!  If you have learned about Krishna in your life,So you will get a fuse in your heart ,You will find yourself on the planets of the soul,In a fairy-tale world where everything is buzzing around,They serve, sing and talk about Him,They love and are friends with everyone,Every step is a dance, that word is a song,It’s always more interesting to try together!If you ran merrily…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Lakshmi Narayana das – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj!Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glory to you!On this auspicious day of your appearance, I would like to glorify you as a very dear servant of Srila Prabhupada. This is the highest position! You are always worried about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Sankirtana Mission given to you by Srila Prabhupada! Day and night, you continue to make efforts in this work so that the philosophy of the Bhagavatam and the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra spreads more and more, reaching the heart of every conditioned soul.This year I was able to read Srila Prabhupada’s books regularly, chant…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Kumari-radha dasi – Russia, Kovrov

    Hare Krishna.Dear Srila Gurudeva.Please accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.All glory to Sri Guru Sri Gauranga!All glory to Srila Prabhupada!Let me humbly express my boundless gratitude to you for the mercy that you so generously pour out on me in this life.It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the presence of a spiritual teacher for a person following the path of spiritual development. By the grace of the spiritual master the fortunate conditioned soul receives the seed of devotional service in the form of invaluable instructions in the practice of bhakti. And at the same time, the opportunity to restore your lost relationship with God…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    From Karuna Maya Radha dasi – Russia, Nalchik

    Dear Gurudev, please accept humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.On the Day of Your Vyasa Puja I congratulate you!Thank you for taking good care of your health and giving us the opportunity to see and know how a good devotee should live, what to devote his time and efforts to.I thank you for the example of continuous preaching, the taste for devotional service, for stories about Sri Krishna and His companions and their adventures.I wish you to achieve PREMA in this life. Your maid,Karuna Maya Radha dasi Каруна Майи Радха даси – Россия, НальчикХаре Кришна! Дорогой Шрила Гурудев, примите наши смиренные поклоны в пыли Ваших лотосных стоп.Вся…