• 2023-offerings-public

    from Fedorova Anastasia – Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glory to Guru and Gauranga! All glory to Srila Prabhupada!On this momentous day of Vyasa Puja Gurudeva for your students, please accept my offering in the form of congratulations on the day of your appearance.From the bottom of my heart, I wish you good health and long life, so that by your endless enthusiasm, sweet kirtan, impeccable example of following the instructions of the spiritual master and inspiring stories about the lilas of the Lord, you continue to attract more and more conditioned souls to the devotional service of The Supreme Personality…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Sakharova Helena – Russia, Dzerzhinsk

    Dear Shrila Gurudeva!Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!Hare Krishna, dear Srila Gurudeva! Accept please my humble obeisances. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!In honor of Your birthday, please, accept this offering, hoping to please You.Thank you very much for your lectures, the work that you put into preaching, in caring for devotees, in caring for disciples.We will never repay You and Srila Prabhupada. Therefore we should try our best to help You in Your preaching of Krishna  consciousness.Thank You for deep lectures with many details, explanations about Sri Vrindavana Dharma.In Your book “Govardhan”, You share with all of us about real Vrindavan, that impersonalists and materialists can’t…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Bhaktin Olga – Russia, Rybinsk 

    Dear Srila Gurudev! Please accept my obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!  I want to thank you for your amazing and uninterrupted service, for they way you inspire your disciples to preach and serve! You have changed my life so much, I can’t even understand how it happened. I started to feel your influence on my consciousness, even though we’ve never met. Two years ago I didn’t know anything about you, but I feel as if you accepted me as your disciple already back then!In Harinama Group Nama Amrita there are many of your disciples and everyday I saw their devotion to you. How they sacrifice many things, and continue to…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Valeria bhaktin – Russia, Sevastopol

    Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances! Dear Indradyumna Swami Maharaj, In the dust of your lotus feet! All glory to Srila Prabhupada!Dear Gurudev, all my offering is an opening of the heart, of course your assistants will read the letter and come into contact with my revelations, but it is impossible not to share the accumulated experience over the past year. All by your grace!A year has passed since the last offering, and of course the consciousness has developed and deepened very much. Last time I wrote so openly and sincerely that we are familiar with you from past lives, it’s funny, but that’s how it feels. Now, a…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Pashina Mila – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Gurudeva!Please accept my humble obeisances in the shadow of Your lotus feet!All glories to Srila Prabhupada!Let me congratulate You on this auspicious day of Your appearance and say sincere words of gratitude for all the mercy that You are shedding on Your disciples and on me in particular!I don’t have enough words to express all my gratitude to You… Thank You for Your infinitely loving heart! Lately, I often find myself in situations where Your disciples or just well-wishers tell me stories about You, about how they interacted with You, how they served, what they learned. At such moments, my heart rejoices, because I am learning more and…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Ken Svetlana – Russia, Syktyvkar

    Dear Shrila Gurudeva! Hare Krishna, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I’d like to express my on this wonderful day of Viasa Pudga. Being the great Vaishnava, knowing the truth, you possess a lot of qualities. Your faith, love, and devotion to Shrila Prubhupada inspire a lot. You preach without fear in any circumstances, even in the jungle. Your enthusiasm is transmitted to your students. One has a desire to follow your lessons and possess the qualities you have. You learn to be devoted to Shrila Prubhupada and his mission. Your love goes from your heart and is given to us. Dear Shrila Indrudjumna Svami, I’m thankful to know you. I want to devote my…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Irina Gorbacheva – Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    Hare Krishna!Please accept my obeisances, dear Srila Gurudeva.All glory to Srila Prabhupada!On this auspicious day of Your Vyasa Puja I want to express my GRATITUDE to you. Dear Srila Gurudev, thank you for your huge heart! It accommodates a huge number of students. Your heart is like an electrical outlet through which you connect us to Srila Prabhupada and further along the chain to the whole parampara. Your heart is extraordinary! There is a place for all students regardless of their level. These are pure exalted Vaisnavas whom one wants to look up to, and novice devotees who make their first attempts at service. Such service is full of flaws,…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Bhakta Sergey Bredis – Russia, Yaroslavl

    Dear Indradyumna Swami, please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.I do not address you as Guru-Maharaj, because I have no right to do so, I am not initiated as a student, but only for the second year I repeat the pranama mantra by your causeless mercy.My name is bhakta Sergey. I am from a small, rather ancient, town of Yaroslavl in Russia.Last year was very difficult and not so easy psychologically for me. After the Russian attack on Ukraine that began on my birthday, my life changed forever. This year has been a year of testing whether we have really mastered spiritual science and at what level…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Belova Anastasia – Russia, Moscow

    Hare Krishna, dear Srila Gurudev. Please accept my humble bows in the dust of your lotus feet. All glory to Srila Prabhupada! Srila Gurudev, you are an ocean of good qualities, you are our general in more with maya. Your compassion for all conditioned fallen souls has no limits. You are a beacon, a landmark on the spiritual path. Thinking of you and feeling your support in my heart leaves no room for fear, which could hinder preaching and service. I would like to present to your lotus feet today the results of my service and every day of my life lived with thoughts of Krishna and service to you. I have…

  • 2023-offerings-public

    from Azarenkova Maria – Russia, Saint Petersburg

    Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet. Glory to You!Every morning when I sing the prayers of Sri Sri Gurvashtaka and look at Your portrait on my altar, I understand that all the lines are connected with You and describe Your mood, Your life and soul.You are the cloud that draws “moisture” from the ocean of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, and You are shedding this mercy on us fallen souls who are engulfed by this fire of material life and conditioning. And the sankirtana movement of Lord Chaitanya is really a source of lasting joy for You, and You are so…